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Epitope - A part of a foreign organism (or its proteins) that is being recognized by the immune system and targeted by antibodies, cytotoxic T cells or both.

Epitope was also once the name of a publicly traded company headquartered in Beaverton, Oregon.  It began in 1979 as Immunologic Associates, Inc., a parentage testing laboratory, and incorporated two years later as Epitope, Inc. The initial public offering was in 1986 at the beginning of the "biotech boom" and stock traded under the symbol EPTO on NASDAQ.

Effective September 30, 2000 Epitope and STC Technologies "joined forces" to become OraSure Technologies, Inc. According to the company, "Combining Epitope and STC will leverage our expertise in oral fluid technology, infectious disease testing, and substance abuse testing.  Together, we intend to bring diagnostic solutions for the new millennium."

Pictured to the right is the 8505 S.W. Creekside Place [Beaverton, Oregon 97008] facility.  For a time, when the company was expanding, Epitope also occupied a good portion of 8205 S.W. Creekside Place.

This site is intended to memorialize a company that was a huge part of many people's lives.  It is dedicated to the historic (or nostalgic) Epitope and not OraSure Technologies.  If you are seeking information about OraSure, click here.

Editors Note:  If you are an old Epitope, Agritope, Agrimax, Vinifera, or Immunologic Associates staffer and would like to see this site grow, please consider sharing your stories and memorabilia.  Simply email us your article, photos, document scans, PDFs, etc. to epidope_at_gmail.com (substitute @ for the "_at_" in the address).

Alumni Update (by Department) - Staff
(Where they are now - alphabetical order - old EPTO job title in [ ] )


Board, Executives, Directors and Managers




Agrimax, Inc.


Agritope / Vinifera




Facilities / Purchasing


Human Resources / Reception


Investor Relations


IS / IT Department


Manufacturing / Operations


Materials Management


Product Development / R&D


Quality Assurance / Quality Control


Regulatory Affairs / Clinical Trials / Immunologic Associates


Sales and Marketing

List Last Updated on February 01, 2025

Annual Reports, Press Releases, Marketing Pieces and Miscellaneous Memorabilia


Associated Epitope Subsidiary Company Information

Interesting Historical Links:

Copyright © 1990 - 2025 - Ekim Notnud - All rights Reserved
This site is an unofficial historical site and not affiliated with Epitope, Inc.

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